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Abstract Class: DecisionSupportSystem

Documentation: This class contains knowledge concepts and techniques used to develop a system that help people make decisions.

Template Slots
  Slot Name Documentation Type Cardinality
BasedOn Indicate the knowledge concepts used as a step for developing new concept Class 1:*
ConceptDescription The description of current concept to provide an explanation about the concept in fine detail (For now, it uses description from dictionary) String 1:1
CongnitiveSystemType Indicate the type of cognitive system which can be either human or artificial only. String 1:1
PrimaryInterest Indicate a knowledge concept that can represent the entire current concept Class 1:*
TargetOfStudy Indicate what kind of ultimate goals the study will bring Class 1:*

Own Slots
  Slot Name Value
:ROLE Abstract

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Generated: 12/09/2005, 3:06:39 PM, Pacific Standard Time

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