XHTML 1.1 Tutorial


Tag Purpose
<frameset> Defines a set of frames
The frameset element is used to organize multiple windows (frames). Each frame holds a separate document. The link for each document is defined as an attribute in <frame> element. The frameset element states how many columns or rows there will be in the page and their size. The tag <frameset> and other frame-related elements do not work if use in <body> element. But, the <body> is mandatory element so that we have diferent DTD which is "Frameset DTD".
This is example of how to define frame:
		<frameset cols = "50%, 50%">
				<body>Your browser does not support frame!</body>
			<frame src ="wwww.pitt.edu" />
			<frame src ="www.sis.pitt.edu" />
<frame> Defines a sub window (a frame)
It is used to define a sub-window called frames in a document. It must use together with <frameset> element as an example provided above. The link to other document you wish to display in a frame is defined using 'src' attribute. Note that this element must properly closed.
<noframes> Defines a noframe section
The noframes element displays text for browsers that do not support frames. The <noframe> must place inside the <frameset>. If a browser can display frames, the text in the <noframe> element will be ignored.
<iframe> Defines an inline sub-window (frame)
The iframe element creates an inline frame that contains another document.

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This tutorial is final project for INFSCI 2000, Fall 2004
Copyright 2004 School of Information Science, University of Pittsburgh