XHTML 1.1 Tutorial


The XHTML 1.1 specification is a reformulated version of XHTML 1.0 Strict using XHTML modules. The purpose is to provide a basis for future XHTML document types with a clean separation from the legacy functions of HTML 4 included in the 1.0 spec.
Main home page for the W3C, which contains specification links and information pertaining to ongoing HTML standards developments.
Developer's community site on XML which has "The XHTML Zone" includes developer articles on such topics as XHTML Basics and XForms
Online tutorials, quizzes, book reviews, and reference information from W3Schools.com.
XHTML focused introductory articles, reviews and resource links.
XHTML Basic includes the set of modules required to be an XHTML Host Language document type.
Created by a XML Expert, Michael Classen.
Another reference from W3Schools.com.
XHTML Discussion forum from Yahoo Groups.

This tutorial is final project for INFSCI 2000, Fall 2004
Copyright 2004 School of Information Science, University of Pittsburgh