XHTML 1.1 Tutorial


Tag Purpose
<ul> Defines an unordered list
The <ul> is used to define the start and stop of an unordered list. The unordered list item is shown using bullet or other sign. This is the example of how to use <ul>:
<ol> Defines an ordered list
The <ol> is used to define the start and stop of an ordered list. The ordered list item is shown using number. This is the example of how to use <ol>:
<il> Defines a list item
The <li> tag defines the start of a list item. It is used in both ordered (<ol> element) and unordered lists (<ul> element). The types of list (number or bullet) can be set using <style> element. If not stated, the default setting is applied as shown in example above.

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This tutorial is final project for INFSCI 2000, Fall 2004
Copyright 2004 School of Information Science, University of Pittsburgh